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Department of Veterans Affairs
VA offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. Transitional housing for single veterans.
2901 Montopolis Dr., 389-7104

Blackland Community Development Corp.
The Blackland Community Development Corporation (BCDC) in East Austin is a model of a successful CDC. BCDC is transitional housing for families and single persons.
2005 Salina St., 972-7595

American Youth Works
High School Diploma Program, ages 16-20 also has a first-time homebuyer program.
216 E. 4th St., 472-3-395

Austin Housing Authority
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin is dedicated to creating and sustaining healthy communities that promote individual responsibility, economic growth, human dignity and hope for the future. 6 month to 2-year waiting list. 6 month to I year for the elderly or disabled.
1640 East 2nd St., Bldg.  B., 477-4488

Travis County Housing Authority
The Housing Authority of Travis County, Texas is committed to providing quality, decent, safe and affordable housing to eligible families in this community.
2200 E. MLK, Jr., Blvd. 480-8245.

Foundation Communities
Foundation Communities is a nonprofit organization that empowers low-income families and individuals with the tools they need to succeed.  Affordable housing for families of low to moderate income.
3036 South First, Suite 200, 78704, 447-2026

Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service
Discover solutions to the affordable housing crisis in Texas through research and evaluation of low-income housing and community programs. Educate consumers and provide valuable information about low-income housing and community programs. This is not a housing program, but rather an information service.  They may be able to answer your questions about other operations.
1100 E. 8th St., 469-9802

Help for homeless